ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2015 - page 118

Area real estate sales through to theendofNovember remainedata recordpace
for2014withyear-to-dateMLS sales settinganother new record.
MLS sales for themonthofNovemberas reportedby theSouthernGeorgianBay
Associationof REALTORS reflectedan increaseof 3%with$49.5million in sales
for themonth. IndividualMLSunit sales totaled163properties,an increaseof9%
Year-to-dateMLS salesof $666.5million representsa10% increaseover the first
elevenmonthsof2013, sales in2014hadalreadyeclipsed theentire total for last
yearat the timeofwriting. MLSunitsales for theyearwereup3%with2,091 individual
propertysales thisyearversus2,022during the firstelevenmonthsof last year.
Sales over $500,000 continued to remain very strong in2014which iswhy the
increase in totalMLSdollar salesexceeds the increaseweareseeing in thenumber
while sales in the$800,000 to$1million rangewereup33%with44 salesat the
timeofwritingcompared to33 in2013.
The area condominium market has been extremely strong throughout 2014.
Through the first elevenmonths of this year therewere420MLS condo sales re-
portedcompared to358 in theprevious year. Thismarked the first time that year-
to-dateMLS condo sales hadexceeded400 units sold. MLS single family home
salesof1,368properties representedan increaseof4%over thenumberof single
familyhomes soldduring the same timeperiod in2013.
Asweheaded into the finalmonthof2014,marketactivityshowednosignof letting
up. InDecember2013MLS sales for theentiremonthwere just $26million, and
at the timeofwritingwehadalreadyeclipsed that so itwouldappear thatanother
recordmonth is shapingupwhichwill seeMLSdollar sales for theyear shatteran-
other recordwithclose to$700million inMLS sales reported for2014.
Real Estate is still a personal business.
Certain technologywill add real value to the
process if used efficiently. It is not likely to
replace human interaction any time soon,
but will facilitate the delivery of best in
classmarketing and real estate services.
And that, after all, seems to bewhat the
consumer is looking for from us.
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