BVO volunteers give back to the
community while enriching their own lives.
About thirty years ago,
Mae Lanktree joined a fledgling organization of
women from the Thornbury areawhowanted tomake adifference in their
communitybydistributingwarmclothingandhampersatChristmas to families
and individuals inneed. Itwas thedawnof anewcommunity serviceorgan-
ization that is known (and renowned) todayas Beaver ValleyOutreach, or
In thebeginning,Maewas involvedwith theorganization’sbabysitting serv-
ice, helpingbusyyoungmothers tobalanceworkand family time. Then she
joined the teamof volunteersatBVO’sTreasureShop, sortingdonatedcloth-
ingandother items toselland raise funds for theoragization’sprogramsand
services. Today,Mae isaTreasureShopTeam Leaderwith the LinenDepart-
ment, supervisingagroupofeight volunteerswhosortandpricequality linens
(tablecloths,bedding, towelsandnapkins)–abigsellerat theTreasureShop.
Around thesecondweek inNovember,Mae
Lanktree joins other BVO volunteers topre-
parebeautifulgiftbaskets filledwithdecora-
tive items donated by the community – a
project shestarted.Available forpurchase in
theTreasureShop, thebasketsareverypop-
ular sellersatHoliday time. Inaddition,Mae
hasbeen involvedeveryyear ina longBVO
tradition - preparingChristmasHampers for
local families inneed.
“Each year, about 50-60 hampers, each
containing high-quality donated festive
foods, clothing, toysand treats, are lovingly
put togetheranddistributedat the localBap-
tist church to local families,” saysMae. “To
receiveahamper, residentssignupaheadof timeandgiveusasenseofwhat
theyneed, so that theycangive their families thebestChristmaspossible.”
Aftermore than thirtyyears of volunteeringwithBVO,Mae Lanktree still de-
rives great satisfaction fromgivingback to the community. “It feels good to
behelpful.And it’s reallya fun thing todo.Youmeetmany friends.We’reone
bighappy family,” she says. “Ourworkgivesback in somanyways. I know
several volunteerswhoused tobeshy,buthavecomeoutof their shellswork-
ingwithotherpeopleatBVO.Andourgrandchildrenhavea lotof funputting
in their communityhourshere.”
Volunteers are theheart and soul of Beaver ValleyOutreach. Somedevote
their timeandenergy tomaking sure that BVO’s TreasureShopoperates ef-
ficiently.Othersprovide transportation forappointments, organizenutritious
breakfasts for children at school, visit peoplewhoare sick or housebound
andpackChristmashampersduring theHolidays.
Over twohundredBVOvolunteers,workingwitha staff of approximately fif-
teen peopleanda hands-on Boardof Directors, generously offer their time
and talents todeliver twenty vital programs and services to residents of The
BlueMountains.Compared to largeurbancentreswithnumerous individual
social programs, BVO isuniquebecause it isa“one-stop shop”withhelp for
everyone in thecommunity– fromchildren to families to seniors.
Thirtyeight year oldChristie, amother of two living in Thornbury, is grateful
for thehelp that BVOhas providedher.Over thepast fewyears, her family
hasbenefitted from theorganization’sGoodFoodBoxandChristmasHam-
persprograms,aswellas theavailabilityof inexpensive,good-qualityclothing
from theTreasureShop.Shehas recentlyapplied throughBVO’sRecreational
Fundingprogram for financial help to send her youngest son on his grade
eight trip toOttawa, and toenrol herother son in soccer.
“We reallyappreciateeverythingBVOdoes
forus,” saysChristie, noting that sheandher
family rely on BVO only when necessary.
“We’re sograteful that we have something
likeBVOavailable inourcommunity.People
shouldn’t beafraidabout not havingmoney
andneeding toutilizeBVO services like the
GoodFoodBoxand theTreasureShop. It’s
toughout thereand somepeople just aren’t
gettingahead. There’s no shame in getting
helpwhenyouneed it.”Asherwayofgiving
back, Christie is now volunteeringat BVO,
assisting with food and toy drives at the
Clarksburg Legion. She would eventually
like towork in theTreasureShop.
What makes BVO special is its ‘cast of characters’, says co-Chair Kathryn
Robson. “Wemayneverhave run intoeachother if itweren’t forourvolunteer
workwithBVO.Weall sharegood intent; everyonewants todo something,
andeveryone’sexperienceatBVO isdifferent.Ourworkmaynotnecessarily
be linked toaprevious joborprofession.We findnew roles, talentsandpas-
sions here.” That being said, Kathryn adds that BVO is always looking for
Boardmembersorpeople in thecommunitywhocanoffer their valuableex-
pertise to theorganization.
Areyou interested in“makinggood thingshappen inour
community”?BVO isalways looking for volunteers, new
Boardmembersandkeypeople for itscommittees.
Formore informationabout volunteering, BVOprograms
andservices, anddonating toBVO, pleasecall 519-599-2577
or visit