ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2015 - page 64

on the slopes
Highways 6& 21 Springmount (Near OwenSound) 519.371.2963
Norwegian cast iron craftsmanshipwith functional,
moderndesign that isboth innovativeandat thesame
time resistant toshort-term trends.
The formal street entryway provides an abundance of room for
movement. A custommadebench, whichwas agift fromBuilder,
DaveEaton is theperfect foil set against the rustic stonewall done
byMBMStoneWorksMasonry. The flowof thehome isdesigned
toefficientlymovemanybodiesoutsidequickly through the slope
sidemudroomexit. Thehomeowners insistedonplentyof storage
and incorporatedbenches, cubbies, hooks and closetswherever
possible.Custommade“skidrawers” foreach familymember,are
situatedquietlyunder thestaircaseandkeeporganizationeasy for
everyone’sgoggles,mitts, touquesandbadges. Foraprés, thewel-
coming hot tub sits under the upper deckwhich offers protection
from the infamous “PeaksWesterlyWind”— the family can soak
comfortably inanyweather.
“Themost difficult part of our morning ski commute is getting the
kids into their snowsuits,” remarks thehomeowner. “Thenwesimply
walkout thebackdoorandhopon the lift.Wealso love thehiking
trailsonpropertyand theLoreeForestup top.Ski.Hike.Play. Fun.”
TheGeorgian trail runsalong thepropertyand theshoresofGeor-
gianBayawait justacross thestreet,making thissetting trulya four
seasongetaway, ideal forabusyandactive,outdoor loving family.
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