ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2015 - page 58

InAugust 2009,
a tornado ripped through theBeaver Valley, cut a
swath of destruction across apple country and caused substantial
damage tomanyhomesat thebaseofGeorgianPeaksSkiClub.Sig-
nificant repairswere required for the original house that occupied
the lotwhere thisnewhomenow rests. Thepreviousownerdecided
itwas time tomoveon, rather thanbuildanew.Withchangecomes
opportunity, andwhen agrowing family from theGTAwhowere
consideringmembershipat the Peaks caught windof the sale, they
jumpedat thechance topurchase thepropertyandbuild theirdream
countryhome. TheyenlistedDavidEatonofBaylynConstruction,Ar-
chitect BradAbbot andRebeccaMuha, ofMuha Interiors to trans-
form their vision into reality.
“Wewanted tobuildahouse that isahome,”explain thehomeown-
ers. “One that is comfortable andwelcoming—a homewherewe
couldcozyupwithourkidsandhave room forentertaining.Wehad
nopreconceived notions of what the house should look like—Brad
Abbot tookcareof thedesign.We simplyprovidedhimwithawish
list.Our inspirationwas comfort—something truly different from the
city.Wewanteda relaxed rustic feel.We simplypulledphotos from
magazines topiece togethera look that resonatedwithus.”
The slope-facinghomehasextraordinaryviews, thanks tooversized
windows fromCedarport. Each roomcomesalivewith lightatdiffer-
ent timesof dayespecially thekitchen,where thehomeowners love
to cook and entertain. The kitchenwas designed toaccommodate
the inevitable“kitchenparty”,with the largemarble islandbeing the
focusof everydaydining, foodpreparationandgatherings.
Our inspirationwas
comfort – something
truly different from the
city.Wewanted a
relaxed rustic feel.We
simply pulled photos
frommagazines to piece
together a look that
resonatedwith us.”
on the slopes
Timeless stainless steel appliances from
Macdonalds inMeaford add to the clean,
uncluttered atmosphere. The cabinets are
lacquered in a crispwhite, with stone
finishes such as the backsplash,
which creates clever cohesiveness and
ties in design elements from around the home.
The decidedly rustic aesthetic lends to the
beauty of the landscape beyond the
expnsivewall of windows fromCedarport.
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