The sights and sounds of spring are upon us and that
means planning your next trip to your favourite provincial
park. In order to preserve the delicate ecosystems that
make our parks so incredibly beautiful and bountiful, we
all have a part to play.
Spring is your only chance to see Trilliums in bloom so,
take only selfies and leave no footprints.
The consequences of disturbing these ecosystems could be
catastrophic, today and for future generations.
Every stepwe take, everymovewemake, Mother Nature
is watching us and reacting against her will. Repeated
wildflower picking, or removing other plants or wildlife
such as frogs or toads causes a grave chain of events to
be triggered that weakens the very ecosystems that sup-
port vital pollinators, birds and small animals. Butterflies
and other insects, small birds and animals draw their food
supply and life support from seeds, nectar and pollen,
which becomes damaged through human disturbances.
No wonder Ontario makes it illegal to pick trilliums and
dishes out a $500 fine for doing so.