Keeping the trail north of the highway pre-
sentedsome logistical challenges.We looked
at a route through the Bayview Escarpment
NatureReserve,but theMNRdoesnotallow
bikes or horses on that land.We even con-
sultedwith theCommander of theMeaford
Military Training Centre about a possible
routeskirting theirproperty.Ourgroup finally
concluded that the trail should continuewest
along the 22nd Road Allowance. We ap-
proached theMunicipality ofMeafordand
they referred us to theNEC, wherewe filed
all thenecessary formsanddocumentsaswell
as those for theGrey Sauble Conservation
Authority. Finally, in 2014we received ap-
proval to develop our trail along the 22nd
SideroadRoadAllowance.Wehope to finish
this last sectionduring this summerof2016.
Meanwhile, the city of Owen Sound asked
for our helpdeveloping theStoneyOrchard
Park Trails along the topof the east-side es-
carpment. This hasproved tobeaniceaddi-
tion to our trail system. The main trail has
spectacular lookout pointsalong the route.
With the generosity of local businesses such
as theOwenSoundPetHospital and themu-
were able to continue to build the trail. The
ScenicCityOrder of GoodCheer built our
first kiosk inOwenSoundand thewoodwork-
ing students fromGeorgian Bay Secondary
built the one inMeaford. The Tom Thomson
Trail Group has also added a number of
ways for people to contribute to the trail in
smaller amounts.Things like bird houses and
bat houses thatwill beplacedalong the trail
as well as benches at rest spots along the
The trailwouldnotexistwithoutourdedicated
group of volunteers and five of these dedi-
catedpeoplehavebeenwith thisproject from
its conception. There is still work tobedone,
butoneof thesedayswe’ll finish that longand
winding road, andhope it neverdisappears.
Thanks toRuthAnn English for her helpwith this article.
Trailhead inOwenSound -Bayshore
Trailhead inMeaford - FredRaperPark
ConnectsGeorgianTrail inMeafordwith
OwenSoundHarbourfrontTrail and the
GeorgianBluffsRecreational Trail
3season (Spring, Summer, Fall)
Started: 2004
Length: 53km.
Permittedusers: Hikers, Bicyclists,
Surfaces: Variable -Paved, Gravel, Stone
dust, Grass, Boardwalk,Natural
Suitable forhybridormountainbikes
Difficulty: 65%Easy, 25%moderate,
Side trails: HibouConservationArea
connector (hikingonly),