EachofOwenSound’swaterfallshasadistinct person-
ality,markedby theNiagara Escarpment that created
them.Weaver’s Creek Falls, tucked into the southwest
cornerofHarrisonPark, isplayfulandromantic, inase-
cludedworldof itsownunderabroadcanopyof trees.
Weddingphotographershavebeenknown to frame the
brideandgroomon thesimplewoodenboardwalk that
leads to the falls. This is a placewhere you can hear
yourself think, interruptedbyonly thebabbling, spring-
JonesFalls issolidandcommanding,marking thepoint
where thePottawatomi Riverplunges12metresdown
the jaggedescarpment justwestof thecity,athighways
6and21. Like Inglis Falls, thiswas the siteof a former
mill. The surrounding forest is heavywith the scent of
cedars, their roots interlacing through crevices andun-
derfoot. The cedars in this regionareamong theoldest
trees in theworld,datingback800yearsormore.They
surviveat theedgeof theescarpment underharsh con-
As you hike into Jones Falls, enjoy its abundance of
springwildflowers.Bloodroot isoneof the first tobloom
(look forsmallwhite flowers), followedbyredandwhite
trilliums, trout lilies, jack in thepulpitandwildgingerby
theendofMay.Listen forpileatedwoodpeckers,unique
to this region.
Heada fewminutesnorthof the cityonCountyRoad1
andyou’ll find Indian Falls, a chameleon that changes
dramaticallywith the seasons.During the spring runoff
thewaterfall resembles a 15-metre bridal veil, like a
miniatureNiagara Falls. Layers of soft redQueenston
shaleandhardManitoulindolomite rock formahorse-
shoearound it—a treat for thegeologically inclined!
IndianFalls is themost challenging toreachon this tour,
particularly inspringwhen theriveroverflows itsbanks.
Theone-kilometrehike is fairlystrenuous,withstairsand
potentiallyslippery footingalong theriverbed.Thebest
time tovisit is lateMayor June,unless it’saparticularly
For more information about Owen Sound’s waterfalls,