ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2016 - page 25

Soundcalled it the
everyone immediately
chimed inwith, “That’s it!”
ison the trail routeand
local historian, Andrew
Armitage, suggested that
Tom likelywalked the
path that isnow the
By theendof thenightour sideshurt from laughter.Manywerecontractions like“The
Mea-OwTrail”—thepersonwho submitted it said it couldbeagood trailwhere she
couldwalkhercat.Onewithanmusicalbentwas the“Owe-Sou-MeTrail”.Someone
else submitted “The Pleasure Pass”. Hmmmm, didn’t really fit the imageas a family
trail! Therewas evena “Georgian Trail”?Clearly that onewas already taken. Bob
TuckerofOwenSoundcalled it the“TomThomsonTrail”andeveryone immediately
chimed inwith, “That’s it!” Thomson’s boyhoodhome is on the trail routeand local
historian, AndrewArmitage, suggested that Tom likelywalked thepath that is now
theTomThomsonTrailmany timesasaboy.
Now thatwehadanameweapproached theCityofOwenSound for funding. They
offered$2500 if we couldget matchingdonations from the community. RuthAnn
talked toherneighbours, Ianand JaneHendriewhoownedGallagherPower Fenc-
ingand they saidokay.We thought, “Wow this iseasy!”Of courseas timewent on
securing fundingand findinga routebetweenOwenSoundandMeafordwas not
always that easy.We picked a path onwhat the trail group, the city andHydro
thoughtwasahydrocorridor—it turnedout tobeprivate land.Weendeduphaving
to takeadifferent but more scenic route inour quest toget toMeaford.Webuilt a
lovely trail sectiondownaunopened roadallowanceonly to find that nearlyevery
spring, torrentsofwater rushdown the trail, takingmostofourworkwith it. Thewoods
at thebottomof thehill nowhasa really firmgravel and stone-dust base.
We recruiteda coreof groupmembers inMeaford inaneffort to start construction
at that end.GregandSuzanneBrownofMeaford, scoutedout the22ndSideroad
RoadAllowanceand felt it hadmerit as a trail section. Aftermany volunteer hours,
the sectionwas built, a kioskwas erected inMeafordandwe hadan interim trail
stretching fromMeaford toOwenSound.Oneofourgoalswas tokeep the final trail
northofHighway#26, as that first interim trail crossed thehighway twice.
Grooming today has become a fine art.
Photo courtesy Blue Mountain Resort
Enjoying a Spring ride on The Tom Thomson Trail - L-R: Bill Courage, Sonya Mount, Barb Krasovec, Didier Perin
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