community events
The BlueMountains Public Library
LeonardE. ShoreGallery - SpringEvents...
April2 -May7|Woodand Iron
Clark, AlexandraGlueckler and Dave Hood, iron work byMichael
Pocock. Then, check out ‘HookingUpWith The SecondCity’- making
mirth out of missed connections, girls’ night out adventures andall the
crazy thingswedo for love.
May8 -June2|JudyShieldsand friends
- Paintings invarious
media, acrylic,water colours, oilswithmixedmediaand sketches.Also
handprinted jewelleryon stoneanddriftwood, paperweights andpot-
June3 -July7|PaintingsbyHolgerMajorahn
Brightacrylicsoncanvasandboardwitha rangeof subjectmatter from
domestic tomoments fromhis travelsacrossCanada.
For more information about the Library:
EarthDay, FridayApril 22
Outstandingscientist,naturalistandauthor, JohnRileywillde-
liveraKeynoteAddresson theMSChi-Cheemaun,berthed in
OwenSoundHarbour, presentedby TheOwenSoundField
NaturalistsClub.Aspeakerof this renown is reminiscentof the
speakingand lecture tours fromprevious generations by es-
Mr. Riley is drafting a special presentation for the Owen
Sound audiences, taking into account our proximity to the
magnificent NiagaraEscarpment and theBrucePeninsula.
TheOwen Sound FieldNaturalists appreciate the generous
supportof itspartners in thisventure: EventSponsorCaframo,
Tickets: $5. Since seating is limited, everyone is encouraged to purchase
their tickets well in advance, to avoid disappointment.
April 23-24|BayshoreCommunityCentre -OwenSound
The Regional Home Show for Bruce, Grey&SimcoeCounties. Every-
thing you need for your home and vacation property is showcasedat
thisannual event. It's the largest home show in theBruceGreySimcoe re-
gionandoneof themost popular, visitedby thousandseveryyear. See
contractors, interiordesigners, landscapers,home improvement special-
ists, outdoor recreation and consumer electronics suppliers, andmuch
moreall underone roof,andspillingout intoavastdisplayareaoutside
themainentrance.Over150exhibits inall.
Tickets: $5. Kids 12& under FREE.
Thornbury|10am -4pm
A fundraiser for EVENTSFOR LIFE - anewcharitableorgani-
zationofferingdayprograms fordevelopmentallychallenged
adults - teaching themsocial, recreationalandeducational life
skills. Please ‘Spring Clean’ your closets and donate your
cleanclothingandaccessories to thisworthwhilecause.
For pick-up or drop-off please contact Marilyn Douglas
Experience theviewsofGeorgian
Bay likeneverbefore.
Thursday,May5 - Sail theclearbluewater& take in the
breathtakingviewsaboard the local vessel the
M.SChi-Cheemaunon itsAnnual SpringCruise.
TheChi-Cheemaunwillmakes itsway fromOwenSound
toTobermory for the season! Itwill depart theOwen
Soundharbourat 12pmandarrive in
Tobermoryat 4:30pm.
Boardingwill beginat 11:00am.
Adult Ticketsare$49.75&children (5-11years)$25.00
addadeliciousbuffet lunch for$10.20.
Passengerswill bemet inTobermorybybuses
for return toOwenSound.
Tickets are available for purchase at the Owen Sound Transportation
office in Springmount, or call to reserve 1-800-265-3163.