ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Spring 2016 - page 89

over1millionpeopleofall agesareaffectedbyaneyeblind-
ingdiseasesuchas retinitispigmentosaandage-relatedmaculardegeneration;
but there is hope. Since2009, cyclists havebeengearingup toparticipate in
Cycle forSight, anational event that raisesawarenessand funds for theFoun-
dationFightingBlindness–Canada’s leadingcharitysupporting themostprom-
ising vision research across the country. This year, cyclists can join rides in
Toronto,Ottawa,Calgary, and theWestCoast.
OnSaturday, June18,Cycle forSightwill kick-off at Toronto’sBlackCreekPi-
oneer Village. Participantswill cycleawell-markedand spectacular route to
Craigleith Ski Club. For just $25 you can register today at ffb.caand join a
teamor createyourown.
Cycle for Sight is theperfect one-day rideand ismore than just a fundraiser –
it isan inspirational event thatwill challengeyou togo thedistance tohelpend
blindness.When you joinCycle for Sight, not onlywill you be supportinga
great cause,youwillalsosetgoals foryourselfwithyourchoiceof fourdistance
options ranging from75-160 km.Whether you are a cycling enthusiast or a
leisurerider,wewillcheeryouoneverystepof theway.And forcyclists inToronto
looking tobuildupyourendurance,wealsooffer FREE spinclasses tohelpyou
train for thedistanceof yourchoice—wewillget youacross the finish line!
Low-visionandnon-sighted ridersareencouraged toparticipateby joiningor
forminga teamand riding tandem, or solo!
On thedayof theevent, showupwithyour teamandyourbike,andget ready
to ride!Wewill provideyouwithanexclusiveCycle for Sight jersey, en route
mechanical and EMS support, aswell as guides and volunteer assistance to
get you to the finish line. Along theway toCraigleith Ski Club, youwill be
cheeredonbyenthusiasticcrowdsat six fully-stocked rest stops,whereyoucan
at the finish line in theTownof BlueMountainswhereyou'll be rewardedwith
acoldbeer, complimentaryofCreemoreSprings,andadeliciousbuffetdinner
aswell asbeeligible formanygreat prizesandawards. Return transportation
for youand your bike, to theAllistonand Toronto start lines, will beprovided
freeof charge.
For more information about Cycle for Sight and to register, please visit
. Or contact the
Cycle for Sight team at
, or 1-800-461-3331. We’ll see you there!
go the distance
for agoodcause
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