Examples of some surgeries that can benefit from complementary care include:
joint replacement, rotator cuff repair, dental, tumour removal, cosmetic/face-lift, breast augmentation,
gynaecological, fracture setting, hernia, heart/cardiac.
Here in theSouthGeorgianBayareaweare fortunate tohaveawide rangeof therapistswhocanhelpwithyour
recovery from surgery. Youmayalreadybe familiarwithphysiotherapy; however, therearenowevenmoreof-
ferings for youroptimal rehabilitation.Chiropractors, acupuncturistsand registeredmassage therapists canhelp
with improvingyourmobility,especially ifyouhavebeencompensatingyourmovements (Eg.puttingmoreweight
onyour left legduring recoverybecauseyour rightwasoperatedupon, leading toachange inyourgait).
The followingare4additional, effective treatments that youmaynot haveheardof:
Graston therapy
- helpssoftenand reducescar tissue, to improvemobility, tissue functionand reducepain. Ihave
seen patients benefit from this therapy even years after surgery. For example, havinga cesarean section scar
workedon12yearsafterbirth, has resolvedchronicbackpain.
Pelvic floor physiotherapy
- assess & treat dysfunction, pain or weakness in the areas of genitals, urethraand
colon.A success story that standsout tome isawomanexperiencing14yearsof painwith intercourse since the
birthof herdaughter.Acoupleof treatments later shewaspain-free!
Active Release Technique (ART)
- toaddress scar tissuewithinmuscles& tendons thatmaybecontributing to re-
duced rangeofmotion,weaknessorpain.
Intravenous (IV) therapy
- this is theadministrationof vitamins,mineralsandaminoacidsdirectly in to theblood
stream. Recovery from surgery requires agreat deal of nutrients; toaddress tissuehealing, reduce inflammation
&pain, and support anormal sleep cycle. IV is oneof thebest toolswehave seen for postsurgical support and
often seepatientsmobile far earlier than their surgeonsanticipated.
For best recoverya teamapproach is ideal; address your healing from the insideaswell as theoutside, so that
you can return toyour desiredqualityof lifeas soonas possible. Consult your naturopathicdoctor (ND) to find
outwhichcombinationof therapiesmaybebest suited toyour needs.
Evenhealthy, activepeoplecanhave the temporaryset-backof surgery.
Whetheremergency, essential orelective, youcan reducebothyourpainand
your recovery timewithappropriate treatments.Mypatientsarealways
surprised to learnhowmanyeffectiveoptionsareavailable... andvery
pleasedwith theoutcomes, asare theirsurgeons.