Melanoma is a cancer that begins in the pigment-producing cells
(melanocytes) of the skin. It is considered the least commonyet themost seri-
ousof the threemain typesof skincancer,whichalso includebasal cell and
squamous cell cancers.
Melanoma is the thirdmost common formof cancer inCanadianwomenbe-
tween theagesof15-29,but according to theCanadianDermatologyAsso-
ciation (CDA),90per cent of skincancer canbecured if detected in time.
Aweek after I hadmy troublesomemole removed, my doctor explained to
me that it had testedpositive for invasivemelanoma, and Iwouldbehaving
aneedlebiopsyof the lymphnodenearest themole site.
Apainfullymemorable biopsy revealed spreadof the disease: it was con-
firmed that it had travelled frommy12.5mmdeepmalignant melanocytes
along thechainof lymphnodes that serve toprotectourbodies from infection,
settling in several of thenodes. Riskof furthermetastaseswas imminent.
at age37
I was diagnosed
with stage3b
rideswithherdaughterSarah inBeautiful JoePark,Meaford