ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE Winter 2017 - page 34

You have a clear heartfelt love for the sport and for the athletes
who come in contact with you. As I know too well, there are many ups
and downs in an athlete’s career and we need guidance and a strong
leader to help us through the good and the bad. What would you say is
themost important skill for a Coach to possess?
Firstofall, I learned tobeaverygood listener. Thatgoesa long
way. Secondly, youhave toput thepersonyou’redealingwithat the
forefront. Theyarenumberoneand that’swhyyou’re listening. Thirdly,
whatever their issue is, youhave tobe respectful to themandyouhave
tobehonest. If it comes from theheart, itgoesa longway. Ialways tell
kids, “Sometimes I can be tough on you. Sometimes I can push you.
Sometimes Icannotagreewithyou.But,makenomistake, Icare.”And
if I care, it’s for the right reasons that I’m trying tohelphim/her be suc-
cessful. Theyunderstand that and that goeswell beyond this sport.
Do you have anymemories that shine brighter than the others?
Thereare somanybut here is one… I hadanathletewhowas
oneweek into theNational Championships andwanted togo home
and quit. After the first day of training, the athletewas in last place.
Thereweremany tearsand longwalks that night.We talkedabout life
andwhyadversity teachesyou thebest lessons. Theathletecontinued
the next daywith trainingand the result was abit better. Aswe pro-
gressed through theweek, theoutcome improved stepby stepanda
smile slowlycameout. The last dayof theChampionshipswasaGiant
Slalom raceand theathletewon the racebyone-hundredthof a sec-
ond.CanadianChampion! Iwasveryproudof theathleteand that she
experiencedhowmuch there is to learnabout yourself…howquickly
we losewhatwebelieveandhow important ourmind set is.
Youmaintain apersistent model of success here andaround the
worldwith theNSA. After 30 years I understand youmaybe taking some
time off—what are you planning to dowith your time?
Iwillbe involvedwith theNSA in the futureandcontinuehelping
student athletes tomaximize their individual potential. If I have some
extra free time Iwould like to travel, playgolf and ski bigmountains!
See you out there! Lastly, with your Swiss heritage, I want to
knowwhere, in town, can I get the best Swiss cuisine?
Probably at Jurg’s place!…That’s agoodquestion. The Swiss
Alphornhasgreat fondueand racletteand there’saSwissBakeryhere
onFirstStreetwith freshbreadeverydayandspecial treatsanddeserts.
Jurg, thank you for your time and for the heart and soul you put
into this town gem. The two years that I spent with you at the NSA gave
me a taste of thework environment I am now searching for inmy ‘retire-
ment’. Youwere transparent andworked hard to provide an environment
that launchedme on an amazing trajectory beyondmy wildest dreams. I
look forward to seeing you again soon for our monthly visit :) And don’t
worry; I’ll replace your seat cushion one of these days.
Larisa Yurkiw is a local Olympian, born and raised in Owen Soundwho
grewup skiingatGeorgianPeaks.Newly retired fromaWorldCup ski ca-
reer, where she finished the 2016 season as one of the Top 3 Downhill
racers in theworld, she currently juggles herMBAonline studieswhile trav-
eling the country for corporate events and ski days, sharing her bold story
of vulnerability in a fast-paced industry.
in conversat ion wi th jurg gfel ler
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