iscelebrating its30
in theGeorgianTriangleand invitesyou to join them in thecelebration!
Amajor accomplishment, this achievement is thanks tomany artistic
contributors over the years, and volunteerswhowere never too tired
to lendahandor raiseadollar.
The companywas established in1984whenKevinMcCormickwas
theArtisticDirector and it became known for its large scalemusicals.
Steven and Irene Thomas gave15 years to the company and estab-
lished it as awell respectedprofessional theatre company. In2013
the companyhiredExecutiveDirector EricaAngus to shift gears abit.
“We now have a very strong focus on collaborations with other re-
gional theatrecompanies, inaneffort toextend the lifeof productions
and toshareexpenses. Thishas ledus tosomegreat relationshipswith
such companies as TheatreOrangeville, Lighthouse Theatre andC2
Entertainment, to namea few”, explainsAnguswho formerlywasAs-
sociateProducerat ‘Theatreby theBay’ inBarrie.
TheatreCollingwoodpresentsone-night-onlyshows in theshoulder sea-
sons and then a series of five plays that run for oneweek each, from
May–Octoberwithan impressive summer lineup. ‘Summer of Love’
will be on stage in July followed by ‘TRYING’ in August, and Leisa
Way’s ‘Country Jukebox’ – thebest of CountryDuets in lateSeptem-
ber/October. 4-playsubscriptionsareavailable foronly$140 (includ-
ing taxes)or tickets canbepurchased for individual shows.
InOctober the companywill present awonderful Jazz show called
Coldjack&Company. Theywill host their annual Putting for theArts
fundraiser at BlueMountain in the fall, aswell as a children’s show in
NovemberandaChristmasconcert inDecember. Plansarealso in the
works to renovate the company’s studio theatre at 65Simcoe Street
thisyear! So stay tunedbecauseas their slogan says, TheatreColling-
wood ishere to
Put More PLAY In Your Life!
For information call 705-445-2200 or visit
surveys from last year’s
SweetWater Festival demonstrated one
theme. “Toodifficult tochoosewhat Imost en-
joyed... don’t change a thing... keep it going
as it is... don’t change a thing... everything is
superb... don’t changea thing!”
SweetWater, now in its eleventh season, will
continue its traditionof presenting the finest in
small-ensemble chamber performances by
award-winning, internationally known musi-
cians.And,will challengeand inspireadmirers
andstudentsofexceptional classical, jazzand
contemporarymusicbyschedulingoriginal, in-
novativeprogramming that will includemore
thana few surprises.
Thisbalanceof the familiarandunfamiliar, the
expected and the unusual, is a hallmark of
ArtisticDirectorMark Fewer’s programming
initiatives. SweetWater is remarkableboth lo-
cally and on the larger musical scene for its
blending of musicians who do not typically
Thisapproach results inmusicalperformances
whichare freshandenergized–as rewarding
for themusiciansas for their listeners.
Onehighlight thisyearwill beanewworkby
fine Canadian pianist and composer David
Braid, whowill take as his inspiration the life
Cantata is a special commission tomark the
anniversaryof thebeginningofWWI,andwill
represent a somewhat infrequent element to
SweetWater’s programming: vocal perform-
The stellar lineup of musical talent includes
teacher, directorandviolinvirtuosaElizabeth
Wallfisch (UK),Quebec harpsichordist Hank
Knox, jazz violinist Drew Jurecka, and jazz
trumpeter Brad Turner (BC). These andother
musicians will also present the work of J.S.
Bach, Vivaldi, Schmelzer, Biber, Beethoven,
Also appearing is one of the world’s top-
rankedchamber ensembles, theSt. Lawrence
StringQuartet. Artistic DirectorMark Fewer
has now joined the SLSQ as a permanent
member andcomments, “Likemanypeople, I
have a fondness for Georgian Bay. But the
real beautyof thearea lies in its inhabitants. I
love returning to the friendships that havede-
velopedover theyears.”
Themuch-anticipated Friday night (Sept 19)
concert at theacoustically distinctiveHistoric
LeithChurch, will include local resident Kati
Gleiser (piano). Promising youngareamusi-
cians aregiven theopportunity toparticipate
in intimate andpersonal, master classeswith
internationally recognizedvirtuosi.
You will be hooked by the music, passion,
artistry, collaborativeenergyandapproacha-
bilityof someof the finest chambermusicians
in theworld.
Tickets andmore information
SweetWaterMusic Festival
music, passion, artistry& surprises