ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2014 - page 108

Themunicipalities and bureaucracies are
truly caught between a rock and a hard
challenged tomanageareamu-
nicipalities consistent with the Provin-
cial Policy Statement regarding
planning and their own official plans
whileat the same timemaintaining the
veryreasonandattributes thatdrawso
manyhere tobeginwith.
side that wouldprefer the status quowere
they left to their owndevices anddevelop-
ers (often citizens themselves) on theother
side that represent change.Municipalities
need tonavigate theseminefields. The role
theyplay shouldbeoneof leadership. Too
often though, slow-moving bureaucracies
ride themiddleground, stallingzoning, site
plan and permit applications, often for
years. Thesemunicipallyemployedprofes-
sionalsare likepoliceofficers. Theyareem-
powered to enforce the visions of their
respectivemunicipalitieswithin thebounds
of governing law. Makenomistake, that is
ahellofa tough job. However,everygood
cop will tell you that can’t pull someone
over without cause, being rude or uninter-
ashell can’t keepacitizenat the sideof the
road forever.
Following the lackluster real estatemarket
of the first quarter, activity has started to
comeback reflectingahigher levelof sales
typically associated with the arrival of
spring. Periods such as what we experi-
enced through this past winter where de-
mand softened this year due to the harsh
winter conditions, typically serve to create
apent-updemandand this timewasnoex-
MLS sales reportedby theSouthernGeor-
gianBayAssociationof REALTORSduring
May reflectedan11% increase inunit sales
for themonth versusMay2013whiledol-
lar volume for the month was up 14%.
Whilestronger sales throughbothApriland
Mayhavehelped to lessen the impactof the
weak sales activitywe experienced Janu-
ary throughMarch,MLS unit sales are still
trailingbehind2013particularly for single
Through the endofMay, year-to-dateMLS
unit sales total785propertiesdown5% from
the830 sales reported in2013.MLS single
family home sales reflect a 9% decrease
from last yearwith501sales in2014versus
552 last year. Conversely condominium
sales are up14%with 159MLS sales this
year compared to139 for the first 5months
of 2014.Despite the fact that totalMLSunit
salesaredown thisyear, strongersalesat the
upperendmarket has resulted inhigherdol-
lar revenue. Year-to-date dollar volume of
$248.3million is 2% higher than in 2013
when sales totaled$243.3million.
With theexceptionofGreyHighlandswhich
is up24%and theMunicipalityofMeaford
up9%, all other areamunicipalities are ex-
periencinga reduction insingle familyhome
sales this year. The results are as follows:
Clearview -29%, Collingwood -21%, Blue
Mountains -7% andWasaga Beach -6%.
Someof thissalesshortfall isdue toavailabil-
ity with certain housing types in very short
supply. Bungalows andother homes in the
$250,000 to$300,000 are verymuch in
demandand supply is limited.Meanwhile,
year-to-dateMLS listingswhich total 2,870
units reflectsa3%decrease in thenumberof
new listings that came tomarket in2013.Ex-
piredMLS listingsarealsodown, 11% from
oneyearago. These two factorshaveserved
to reduce theamountofhousing inventoryon
themarket leading tomorebalancedmarket
conditionswith agreater emphasis for suc-
cessfullymarketingapropertydrivenby the
With our overall economic conditions re-
maining in relatively good shape and the
continuation of low interest rates, I forecast
thatwewill continue toseesomestrongsales
activity through the balance of 2014.
Whether it is simply toattract abuyer or to
satisfymortgage requirements,competitively
pricingaproperty isofparamount important
in securinga sale for yourproperty.
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