Thornbury’s favourite
men’sclothing store justgotawhole lot
busier.Now, inaddition toawell edited selectionofmen’scasualwear, outer-
wear, footwear and accessories, you’ll findwell priced, beautifully chosen
women’swear, asEvolutionForMenbecomesEvolutionHim&Her!
Evolution’s talented team, LeslieLewisandScottMcVittie (ownersandproprietorsofall things stylish) identified theneed
andwantsof theirbestmalecustomers–who, sinceEvolution’s storeopening fouryearsago, haveexpressed thedesire
to shopwith their better halves.Workingwith themare Jo-Ann Patterson, a lifelongartist who has alwaysworked in
creativeendeavors; JaimeHill - sales assosciateextroardinareand Taylor Robinson, a fashiondesign&merchandise
“We’rea littlebit of everything,”explains Leslie. “Frommature teenagers toouroldest customerwho is96!Dressingup
inThornbury in thesummer isnicedenim,abuttondownandBlundstones forguysandcasualdressesandskirts for ladies.
Wehavegreat pricepoints thatwon’t break thebank.”
Witha friendlyatmosphere, incrediblyhelpful staffandbeautiful interior, it’sclear that EvolutionHim&Her is thenewest
destination for women’s casual dressing, fashion finds. Brands includeWoolwich, Roxy andQuiksilver, Blundstones,
Nautica,Gsus, PointZero, RayBan, InStanceSocksandEvolutionHim&Herhavean impressive selectionof jewellery,
giftwear, hats, handbags,men’s skincare, scentedcandlesandbath lines.
8 Bruce St., South Thornbury 519.599.5013
has teamedupwithDr. TimRemillard toprovide
sclerotherapy treatments forunsightlyspiderveinsand largerblue reticularveinswhich
poseacosmeticconcern formanywomenandmen.
ARegisteredNursewithover 27years of experience, Kathyhas been specializing in
sclerotherapy and laser treatments since2000. Her trainingand clinical experience
havebeenongoingandwithmoreandmoreclients looking for theservice, she identified
aneed fora local clinic specificallydedicated to legvein treatments.
ThornburyLegVeinClinic is located in theBlueMountainsCommunityHealthCentre inThornbury.Consultations
arecomplimentaryandclientshaveamedical consultationwithDr. Remillard.
SigvarisMedical Compression Legwear is alsoavailableat the clinic tohelp relieve swellinganddiscomfort
causedby legveinproblems. “I am thrilled tobeable toprovide this service toour community. Clientsare so
pleasedwith the improvedcomfort andappearanceof their legs... I takepre-treatment photographsof clients
and thisdocuments thechanges inappearanceof the legs... It’sgreat to see the transformation...”
BlueMountains Community Health Centre 78 King St. East Thornbury 705.888.3415
has relocatedher successful business toa stun-
ning,brightandairynew location inhistoricdowntownCollingwood,at38Pine
Street.Well establishedwithdiscerningwomen forover10years, EchoTrends’
clientsknow theywillalways findnewanddifferent, ‘not-seen-everywhere’ fash-
ion. This beautiful new settingpromotes an enhanced shopping experience that offers comfortable and spacious
dressing rooms, freeon-siteparkingandmoreone-on-one timewith thewell trained, helpful andexperienced sales
associates.Nowwithspace tospare, theexpansive,newshopalsoallows forwellmerchandiseddisplays,presented
by styleandcolourgroupings—making it simple for clients to see, understandand interpretwhat’s in store.
Asalways,Danacontinues toput herpracticedeye towork, searching theglobe for themost show-stopping fashion
availableandnowshehasbrought inseveralnew, ‘exclusive toCanada’,European linesandaccessories toperfectly
suit theneedsof EchoTrends’ growing fanbase.Discover each season'smost sought-after looksaswell as timeless
classics fromwell known, international brands likeSarahPacini, Fidelity,Hudson, ElisaCavaletti, Suzi Roher,Marc
Aurel and reknowned, local jewellerydesigner, BonnieDorgelo.
Danaand her teamare dedicated to helping you create awardrobe that suits your lifestyle in a relaxed setting,
where browsing is always encouraged. Known for superior customer service andquality clothing, jewellery, and
handbags, EchoTrends inCollingwood isa shoppingexperienceyouwill definitely repeat seasonafter season.
New Location: 38 Pine Street Collingwood 705.446.1496