ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2014 - page 103

Wrinklesarise from the insideout...
sowhyareyouchasing themwithexpensivecreams?
Recently, the threenaturopathicdoctorsof StoneTreeClinicattendeda
local function together. In theweeks that followed I receivednumerous
commentsabout how 'vibrant', 'healthy' and 'glowing'we look.
We tend toattribute a healthy glow to youth, but twoof us are in our
40s! Sowhat’s reallygoingon?
Your skinquality, it turnsout, isanexcellent barometer for your internal
health.Whilewe each use awonderfully rich, nearly-edible, organic
moisturizer every day (Manuka TherapyCreamby Thorne Research),
the truth is that great skincomes frombehaviour, not bottles.
Our “secret”at StoneTree is that over timewe’veall developed simple
habits that make adifference to the health of our skin from the inside.
Theydomore forour healthyglow thananyprescription.
Hydration -We recognize the importanceof hydratingour bodies
from the inside out. Did you know that your body is 80%water?We
each drink at least half our bodyweight (lbs) in ounces (oz) of water
Activity -Movement is essential for healthyblood flow toall of our
tissues. Weeachengage inat least30minutesofpleasurablephysical
activityeveryday, from simplewalkingandhiking to soccer, yogaand
cycling.Activitydoesn’t have tomean sportsandgyms!
Nutrition -We love food!Andmore importantly,we lovegood food.
Lookingaround the tableat lunch time it isevidentweprioritizeahealthy
diet inour lives.Colourful,deliciousmeals (often leftovers from thenight
before,onabedof leafygreens) filledwith freshveggies&herbs,whole
(andgenerallyeachof ushasanavocado too!).
Makinggood foodchoices for your skin includeconsuming...
goodoils; avocado, rawnuts, coconut&oliveoils
fresh, local, in-season foods...whenpossible
organically-grown produce items, BUT AVOID those on the ‘Dirty
Dozen’ list
and those that may containGMOs (corn,
sugarbeets, zucchini, soy, canola).
eachcolourof the rainbow—everypigmenthas itsownbenefit inyour
body. Be sure to include red (tomato, bell pepper, yam, raspberry), or-
ange (carrot, bell pepper, orange), yellow (bell pepper, lemon), green
(spinach, broccoli, peas, beans, kale, sprouts), andpurple (beets, cab-
bage, blueberry) daily. Thesepigments arepowerful antioxidants that
areessential foreliminatingwrinkle-causing free radicals, causedbysun
damage, smoking, pollution, burnt foods, etc.
mealsmade from food,not frompackages; thiswill limitpreservatives,
sodium, sugar, poor oils andother ingredients lacking inadequate nu-
If thesesuggestionsarenew toyou, startwithoneand thenaddmoreas
each becomes habit. For amore personalized treatment plan contact
your naturopathic doctor. For some healthy recipe ideas, including
chocolate! visit
Your skin isa livingorgan... feed it!
terrain and scenic country roads, featuring a picturesque route on
paved and gravel roads that wind through the vibrant villages of
ThornburyandClarksburgandaportionof thebeautiful BeaverVal-
ley. It promises tobeawonderful and scenic running experience—
completewith impressive fall treats!
Choose your course - a ‘collection’ of races -- half
marathon, 10Kand5K runs, 10K&5Kwalks, and
a1KKids' FunRun.
Sponsored by Thornbury-Clarksburg Rotary Club
For more information
to a run through apple country
SundayOctober 19
Beaver ValleyCommunityCentre | Thornbury
Great Summer Skin
by ShelbyWorts ND
shrifest -
set in themagnificent surroundofBlueMountainand
the Escarpment,
Shri Fest Yoga andMusic Festival
combines yoga,
music,natureand food toofferacompleteexperience thatwillbesure
to igniteandplease. Featuring14 incredible teachers from theGTA
and surroundingareasandofferingclassesof all abilitiesand levels.
Right in our backyard! Stay theweekend and enjoy the FULL Bliss
package that includes a ‘Farm to Table’ dinner featuring thebest of
freshlygrown food from theGeorgianTriangle.
Thisoutstandingevent isalwaysa ‘sellout’ sodon’twait - registernow
Read updates on Escarpment Facebook page.)
3days of yoga,music& food
Farm toTableDinner
Right inour backyard.
Oct 31 - Nov 2,2014
Register NOWat
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