ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Winter 2016 - page 46

Now, I'm not saying
it's abad thing toget sick.On the contrary, it's actually good to have your immune
systemmount a response, but ideally it only lasts 2-3days and then it's over. If you 'get sick' more than once each
year, and it lasts longer than3days, thenyoumaywant toworkon supportingyour immune system thiswinter.Here
are some simpleyet effectiveways to reduceyour suffering in thecomingmonths.
Makepreventionyour#1 focus.
Stay hydrated -
Keeping your mucusmembranes (nasal cavity, throat, respiratory tract) moist will help limit
bacteriaand viruses fromgainingaccess toyour body. Your dailygoal shouldbeat least half your bodyweight in
ounces. Eg. a160lbperson requires80ozofwaterdaily.Herbal teas canbe included in thisnumber.
Avoid refined sugars -
They can impair your immune system from functioning inanoptimal manner. You
may think youdon't eat much sugar because youdon't eat cookies or candies, but check the ingredient list of your
saladdressing, pasta sauce, mayonnaise, granolabar andbreakfast cereal. If you see 'syrup', 'sugar', 'cane' or a
word that endswith '-ose' then it containsadded sugar.
Increaseyour vegetable intake -
Veggiesare themost nutrient-denseof the foodgroups, yet themost
lacking in theNorthAmericandiet. Startwith2coloursat lunchanddinner. Increaseyour variety&volumeasyouget
in thehabitof including themwithyourmeals.
Wash your hands*-
before touching food, face, eyes or nose. This is especially important when in public
places,however simplesoapandwaterwilldo.Avoidusingantibacterial soaps forday-to-dayuseas theyhavebeen
shown tocontribute toantibiotic resistanceandadverselyeffectingourwater system.
Getoutsideandmove -
Toboggan, snowshoe,walk, throwsnowballs,build forts,goskiing...getout there
tobreath fresh air, contract your muscles, and support your lymphatic system (there's not enough space to explain
the importanceof the latter, just trustme... do it!).
Sleep -
at least 7-9hourseachnight.
Thereare several supplements*whichcanbehelpful for supportingyour immune functionover thewintermonthsas
Oil ofOregano: 1-2drops under your tongueafter aparty is agreat way to help fight bacteriaor virus towhich
youmay havebeen exposed. This is also really helpful on flights, as youdon't want to 'catch' what the sneezer 10
rowsbehindyou is sharing!
VitaminC:500mg twicedaily isageneraldailyamount.Youcan increase this,howeveryouknowyouhave reached
your limitwhenyourbowelsbecome 'loose'.
VitaminD: 1,000IUdaily is standard, but it's often not adequate for most Canadians. To know if you are taking
enough, askyourNaturopathic (ND)orMedical (MD)doctor to test yourblood level.
Daily immunesupportwithherbal combinationproductssuchasKi ImmuneDefence (Martin&Pleasance)orDeep
Immune (St. FrancisHerbFarm).
Monthly intravenous vitaminC therapy: speak toyourNDabout how this treatmentmayhelpyoupersonally.
These suggestions for prevention areparticularly important when you arearoundgroups of other people, such as
parties, après ski events, playingwithchildren, or someoneatwork is clearly illwithacough, sneezing, runnynose,
or complainsof bodyaches.
Have fun... Stayhealthy!
These are general suggestions and should not be interpreted as medical advice. Discuss this with your qualified healthcare practitioner, especially if you are pregnant,
takingmedications or dealing with a chronic disease.
Influenza is acquired
not because it's 'the
season' but due to
factors like low
vitaminD, inadequate
hydration, inactivity,
and poor nutrition (too
much refined sugar
and not enough
The best way to treat
cold& flu is to...
avoid getting it in
the first place.
(One of the best statements I have
seen on social media lately.)
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