ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2016 - page 42

a tasteof Italy
modern Italian flair infused
with southern Italian flavours
Lunch: Friday11:30am -2pm
Dinner:Tues&Wed 5 - 9pm •Thurs. Fri. Sat. 5 -10pm
698Goderich Street Port Elgin 519.389.5977
PortElgin -
hasbeena touristdestinationwithin theSaugeen
Shores on the Lake Huron coastline area for cottagers and
campingenthusiasts formanygenerations.Fromhumblebegin-
nings, Port Elgin has expanded tobecome apopular summer
Port Elgin’s beach, recently named as one of the "Top 10
Beaches" in theWorldby theTorontoStar, isacommunitycen-
terpiece. Home toa fleamarket onWednesdays, beach carni-
vals from Tuesdays to Saturdays andbandshell concertswith
local talent onSundaynights. You caneven take inamovieat
Port ElginCinemas. Beach-goerscanplaymini-golf, joingames
ofvolleyball,walk thedocksof theharbourandhopaboard the
miniature steam train that chugs throughNorthshorePark.
Thebeach itself has a long, shallow, sandybottom – ideal for
tots. Families alsoappreciate theplay equipment on themain
beachandatNorthshorePark.Atdusk thebreakwall is theper-
fect place to savour the sunset.
Port Elgin’s harbour and calmbaysmakean ideal destination
foranykindof paddlingadventure.
Cycling enthusiats of every level will bepleasedwith the trails
running throughout the region. Saugeen Rail Trail has access
pointsalloverSaugeenShoresand isawell traveled former rail
bed that stretches8km fromPort Elgin toSouthampton. Twoof
thenewest trails include theGoreDrainTrail that startsoffat the
corner of highway 21 south&County Road25 (CAWRoad)
and theRotaryWayTrailwhichconnects toCountyRoad33&
McGregor Point Provincial Park. Both Trails connect to over
30km's of a "looped" trail system that connects Port Elgin,
Saugeen TownshipandSouthampton, all of whicharepart of
theamalgamatedMunicipalityof theTownofSaugeenShores.
By taking theGoreDrain to theRotaryWay,youcan thenenter
into theMacGregor Point Provincial Park trails that include the
DeerRunbike trail andmanyother trailswhichallowcyclists to
enjoy thegreat outdoors.
feature - places in the sun
1606 16thSt East OwenSound 519.370.2003
140GoderichSt Port Elgin 519.389.4009
OpenDaily at 11am
What’s it going tobe?
FamousWings | SignaturePizzas
Gourmet Pasta | HeftyBurgers
Sensational Sandwiches
TastySalads | DecadentDesserts
Take-Out&Order on-line
TastySalads | DecadentDesserts
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