ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE | Summer 2016 - page 62

take it
Finally it’s time
to take it outside. First things first—a tray—
my preference is onewith handles and a lip or an edge so if
somethingdoesspillyouhavea fightingchanceofaquickclean
up.Andwhodoesn’t likeabutler’s table? That’sa tray (usually
withhandlesandsometimeswithedges thatarehinged) that sits
on topofacollapsiblebase.Wehavebeenplacing round trays
on topof round side tables or stools for great effect. Large ot-
tomans aremeant to hold interesting trays. But whatever base
youput itona tray isnecessary for taking lotsof stuff from the in-
Howeasy is it toaddpatio lanternswhenyoudon’tneedacord?
So let’shear it for LED lightsandhow theycosta fractionofwhat
theydid justa fewyearsago.Someareon timersand somecan
becontrolledwitha remote. Remember to recycleall thosebat-
teriesand lights—save those rareearthminerals.
Whether your preferred beverage is a sparkling white or a
brewski usingglass aroundpools is abig concern. Likemany
things in lifeyougenerallygetwhat youpay for, so, investing in
goodquality acrylic or polycarbonate drinkware, that is dish-
washer safe isawisemove.
Thenwecome to the furnishings. Theredoesn’t seem tobemuch
of amiddlegroundbetweenWallyMart’s outdoor furnitureand
say,Brown Jordon.The firstwill lastacoupleofyearsand thoseof
finerqualitywillenduredecades—againyougetwhatyoupay for.
Wecarry ‘SummerClassics’whichhasamazing stylesand fab-
rics as well as CabanaCoast, based in the Toronto area for
quicker delivery. Thechoiceand selectionavailable in themar-
ketplace ishuge.
Today’s outdoor fabrics areamazing! Weoften spec them for
interiorpieceswhere fading isaconcernor stainingaproblem.
Generally the fiber isacrylicandoftensolutiondyed—themolten
vat of acrylic has the colour addedbefore thematerial is spun
making it muchmore colourfast. Either storing the cushions or
havingcoverswill saveyouwaiting for them todryor having to
cleanoff all the stuff naturehas to throwat them.
Tocompleteyour outdoor décor youmight consider a rug—like
theLED lights,outdoor rugshavecomea longwayanddropped
inprice. Therearealso canvas artworksmeant for exterior use
withheavyUVcoatings.And, let’snot forgetmetal sculptures, in-
credibleplant containers, table top itemsand lanterns.
Simcoe,GreyandBruce counties offer suchbreathtaking land-
scapes andnatural beauty that it is a shamenot toaccess it via
largewindows, multipleexterior door systems andpatios.Out-
door roomsareoften incorporated intoarchitecturalplans—add
a roof, a fireplace or heater and voilà—you can enjoy the out-
doors almost year round.Most of uswill settle for goodgrass,
somemature trees—aplace toentertainand fireup thebarbie—
happy to finally take it outside.
Words | Sharon Allan
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