ESCARPMENT MAGAZINE Winter 2017 - page 55

Cast Iron
what todo...
1. Boil thebabypotatoesuntil theycanbeeasilypiercedbya fork.
2.Melt half of thebutter inacast ironpan. Add thebabypotatoes to thepanonebyone,
squashing themdownwith thebackof a spoonuntil thepan is full. Donot layer thepotatoes.
3. Turn theheat down tomedium/lowandcook thepotatoesonone side for 15minutes
without stirring themaround. Addbutter asnecessarywhen thepotatoes soak it up.
Usea spatula tocheck that theundersideof thepotatoesarebrownedandcrispy, then flip
themover andcook for another 10-15minuteson theother side.
4.When thepotatoesarecrispyonboth sides, seasonwith salt andpepper. Sprinkle fresh
choppedchivesover top, and finelygrateagenerousportionof Parmesancheeseover the
wholepan. Put a lidon thepanandallow theheat tomelt thecheese for a fewminutes.
5. Servewithadollopof sour creamandadditional salt andpepper to taste. Thisdish serves
asmanyasyour cast ironpancanhold.
what youneed...
- 3-4Cups of Baby Potatoes
- 1/8 Cup of Butter
- 1Small Handful of FreshChives
- ParmesanCheese
- Salt andPepper
- Sour Cream
Corynn Fowlerwrites a food blog calledCoryander. Please visit her a
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