Inside, the space iswell thought out andefficient, witha clean, modern
esthetic that isatoncecozyandminimalist.Expansiveviewsabound from
every sideof thebuilding, aidedby floor toceilingwindows. The ‘Geor-
gian Room’ boasts almost 180-degree views of Georgian Bay, while
south facing ‘AscotHall’ (the signature room) looksdirectly towards the
slopes. Theadjacent sun-drenchedpatio iswarmedbypatioheatersand
isequippedwithabar kioskwindow so there’snoneed to stray far from
the gas fire pit at après. A newbright nursery areawelcomes Alpine’s
youngest members, and racers now have their own3,000 square foot
‘AthletesRoom’withseating forover220andstateof theartaudiovideo
system toaid incoaching.
Thebuilding is fullyaccessible featuringwidecommonspaces,aneleva-
torand touch-less toilets, sinksanddrinking fountains.All doorshavecli-
mate breaks to prevent the free exchange of indoor and outdoor
temperatures.Well over 100 speakers arebuilt in to the structure, pro-
viding the latest inaudio, video, security, telecommunication, anddata
serviceswhichwill be fully rolledout in future seasons.
The restaurant isdesigned toaccommodate large trafficwithampleserv-
icecountersandmultiplepoint-of-salestations. There isalsoabankofmi-
crowaves and long condiment counter reminiscent of Blackcomb’s
GlacierCreekLodge.AndofcourseStarbuckscoffee isbrewed just steps
from themainentrancemaking for aconvenient earlymorningcaffeine
fix.MenwithKnivesCatering is theexclusivecaterer forAlpineSkiClub
andbeginning spring2017, Alpinewelcomes weddings and special
“When I lookbackatmyAlpineexperienceof almost 35years, I find it
hard tobelieve justhow farwehavecomeasaClub,”saidpastPresident
PhilipTaylor. “Inote that it tookuntilDecemberof1964, the fifthholiday
seasonof operations, formembers toenjoy their first clubhouse. In fact,
the original Bunker structure remained in use as the nursery andboot
changearea until its demolition this summer. After ten years of involve-
mentwith thebuildingproject, I canonly imaginewhat itwill be like for
our foundingand long-termmembers aswe celebrate57 holiday sea-
sonswith theopeningofourclubhouse—already the talkof thecommunity
andnew faceofAlpine.”