When thewinter sunbegins toset and themoonstarts to rise, challenge
yourselfwithanocturnal adventure. Under acanopyof stars, themoon-
light createsdramaticshadowsas thesnowy trail guidesyoualong. Even
at night there are a variety of animals and tracks tokeep an eye out for
–porcupines, deer, raccoons, rabbits andwinter birds. Ona clear night
theclimbup to“Lookout point” iswellworth theeffortwith viewsof the
glowing ski hills and the lights of Collingwood and beyond. Stride with
rhythm beside shallow creeks, through open fields and descend down
the Escarpment to the suspension footbridge to breathtaking unob-
structed viewsof GeorgianBay. Of coursenowinter activity iscomplete
without asteamingcupof hot chocolate,which isexactlywhat iswaiting
for you at thewarming cabin after yourworkout.
Winter facilities and amenities include ski and snowshoe rentals, ski
waxing hut, gift shop, andwarming chalet and snack bar.
This spectacularwinter
playground at the highest point
of theNiagara Escarpment is
set in one of Canada’s sixteen
UNESCO biosphere reserves.